IVF, In-vitro Fertilisation, is a technique from Assisted Reproductive Technology used to treat infertility. It is a medical procedure in which egg is fertilised outside the human body. Earlier, in vitro used to mean a procedure taking place in a glass. Now a days, in vitro means any procedure that takes place outside the body of an organism. IVF is often performed in petri dishes these days, they are also used to cultivate culture.
IVF Treatment
In simple words, it is a fertilisation carried out in manual way. Many hospitals and clinics are offering IVF treatment in Pakistan. Infertile couples in Pakistan mostly go for IVF treatment. The procedure involves the combining of eggs and sperm in laboratory dishes. They egg is fertilised overnight and develops into an embryo. The embryo is then shifted back to the body of female so she can achieve pregnancy. Today, IVF is an efficient treatment for infertile couples.
Today, many advanced methods of IVF are present such as, ICSI, IMSI, Laser Hatching of Embryos, Blastocyst culturing, Egg/Embryo Freezing, etc. The success rate of conventional IVF used to be 30% a decade ago but due to these advancements in IVF, its success rate is about 60%-70% also depending upon other medical conditions. However, whatever your cause of infertility may be, choosing an IVF centre for your treatment is critical. Especially now, when a lot of IVF centres are being established and each of them promising to have the highest success rate, it becomes difficult to determine which one is actually the best. Therefore, the couples must visit the IVF centres themselves and then determine which one is the best for them.
IVF Center
IVF treatment consists of a series of procedures. Our team of specialists at Australian Concept’s IVF Clinic, determine the root cause of infertility and appropriate treatment for you, with continuous counselling throughout the procedure. Our success is due to the pre-IVF work done by our team of doctors. Many IVF centres claim to have successful results without any proof. However, our success is evident from our work and evidence present all over Pakistan. Our IVF centres are present across Pakistan providing the best outcomes. According to data, our success rate is 65% making us one of the best IVF centre in Pakistan.