Tips to Ensure a Smooth Return to Office

Tips to Ensure a Smooth Return to Office
Tips to Ensure a Smooth Return to Office

After more than a year of remote work, organizations are now considering bringing their back employees to the office. While many leaders are excited to see the return, for employees, it’s just another work experiment. As we continue to navigate minute-by-minute changes due to Covid-19 variants, employees continue to experience increased stress levels.

With the abrupt work transition

Remote working employees have to deal with unforeseen challenges. From balancing work and life to seeking stable internet service for home, remote work was nowhere close to “luxury” during the pandemic. However, some lucky remote workers got their hands on stable and high-speed internet service providers like Windstream.

Windstream with its excellent customer service sorted the remote work issues immediately. A Windstream Phone Number is available for its customers, who want updates on new deals, packages, and updates and troubleshooting help in case of internet connectivity issues. 

Engaging the employees during this journey will be challenging for the company. It is because, with more than a year of remote working, employees have developed certain communication preferences.

In a recent survey, it is found that employees find video-based messages from organization and leadership teams more engaging than text-based messages. In addition to this, 56% of employees prefer to stay updated with organizational changes during their own work time rather than being forced to join a live session.

These findings identified how critical it was for organizations to engage workers who have now set communication preferences and work styles. Creating new policies, having updates regarding their return to the office (RTO), and leveraging the right medium debates will be a lot more challenging than expected.

However, if you are not sure which steps to take then, the following are some tips that might help in the new transition periods.

Engage with Easy to Consume Content

With current work changes, new policies, safety precautions, and pandemic fears lurking in the back of our minds, employees may feel overwhelmed through the transition process. However, employers can make things easier by creating content in a more fun and engaging manner.

For instance, videos, 3D tours of office space, question and answer sessions, and other light-hearted mediums can make employees less stressed about the whole situation.

Many employees might consider sending a heavy text email about the security concerns and tips on the hybrid work environment. But it will obviously seem boring and dry. Nevertheless, a short video message from the leadership team can give employees a break from reading long and boring emails.

With Gradual Transition Comes to Gradual Communication

The onboarding process requires on-demand communication. Companies having the back-to-office gradual transition with flexible policies and employee-driven schedules requires deeper understanding as well.

Many companies offer based working hours, which allows the in-person employees to ease the burden of long commutes. Have some peace of mind without being part of a crowded office.

Be Adaptive

When it comes to employee training after returning to the office, the company should be flexible. After all, we cannot aim for employees to adopt the new working culture from tomorrow.

Whether it is about changing the mask mandates or revisiting limits of the number of staff allowed in a place. The new security measure to keep employees protected will be new for the remote working staff.

Start creating various training courses for your company that will help employees in functioning efficiently in a hybrid environment.

Ensure a Seamless RTO Process!

As HR leaders are at the forefront of the onboarding and return to office process. Employees’ anxiety and struggle are increasing. Make sure to have a smooth transition with the tips mentioned above.

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