Your Complete Guide to Gas Fireplace Maintenance

Gas Fireplace Maintenance

Gas fireplaces can be convenient, safe, and efficient — but only when you keep them in good condition. With the help of a gas fireplace service Arvada, you can keep yours running safely and cleanly.

It’s best to have your gas fireplace serviced at least once a year. But you can perform certain DIY tasks yourself as well. Here is a checklist to review as part of an annual inspection.

Get to Know Your Fireplace

Every gas fireplace is unique, so there may be instructions on how to maintain yours in particular. Read the owner’s manual for details about cleaning and maintenance that might not apply to other models. You should also take note of any additional safety precautions recommended by the manufacturer.

Check for Gas Leaks

One of the most important gas fireplace maintenance steps is to check for gas leaks. This can be done by mixing dish soap with water and dabbing it around the gas fittings with a paintbrush. If there are suds or bubbles coming from any of the fittings, you have a leak, which should be fixed immediately by a qualified repair person.

Inspect the Flame

If your flame has turned yellow, that’s a sign that there is too much carbon monoxide in the air, which could be caused by a blockage in the venting system or a problem with the burner. Inspect your venting system to make sure that it’s clear, then remove any debris from inside the firebox and vacuum out the burner area while making sure not to touch any of its electrical components.

Clean the Burner

If you notice a sulfur smell, it could be coming from spider webs or other debris lodged in the burner. Turn off the gas, then use a vacuum with a brush attachment to clean out the burner and flue. If that doesn’t work, try using compressed air to blow out any lodged-in debris.

Clean the Pilot Light

How to access and clean your pilot light assembly is detailed in your owner’s handbook. Gas fireplaces have different types of pilot lights (standing pilots and electronic igniters), so follow instructions based on which type of system you have.

Check the Thermocouple 

A thermocouple is a safety device that shuts off the gas if the pilot light goes out. It is located near the pilot light and consists of a copper wire that connects to the gas valve and has an exposed tip on the end. If this tip becomes corroded, it can prevent the thermocouple from doing its job of keeping the fireplace safe.

Clean the Glass Panel

The glass panel can become coated with soot and dirt over time. You can clean off this buildup with a sponge soaked in warm water and dish soap. Make sure that you’re using a non-abrasive cleaner, as abrasives can damage the glass panel. When cleaning, wipe gently with circular motions until all of the soot and dirt have been removed.

By following these basic tips in this post, you can make sure your gas fireplace will function without fail for years to come. Contact The Gas Connection if you require additional assistance or wish to schedule professional gas line installation in Arvada. Our knowledgeable technicians will gladly answer any questions you may have and can meet all of your fireplace needs.



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