How to Properly Maintain Your Home’s HVAC System

Air conditioning system unit installed outside facade of the new house the air conditioner with freon

Keeping your HVAC system functioning properly is critical since it circulates air throughout a system of ducts to heat and cool your home. You can extend the life of your HVAC system by performing regular maintenance. Here are some suggestions.

Schedule a Cleaning with an HVAC Professional

An air conditioning contractor can check for leaks and clean your HVAC system’s coils. Allowing too much buildup over time can affect your system’s performance and even shorten its lifespan. You’ll want to schedule a professional inspection at least once a year. But in the mean time, there are some other things you can check yourself to make sure your HVAC system is functioning properly.

Perform Regular Maintenance Checks

You can periodically check on your HVAC system after you have had someone check it to ensure it is working well. Here are some of the most important things to look for.


As the thermostat ages, it can develop problems that reduce its accuracy. That’s why regular thermostat checks are so crucial. You can identify potential problems early and correct them before they cause any major damage by monitoring the thermostat frequently.

It takes only a few minutes to maintain a thermostat. Here are the steps to take:
* Assess the thermostat with a multimeter. This will let you know if it is functioning properly.
* Clean the thermostat’s sensing element next with a soft cloth. The sensing element of the thermostat can become clogged with dirt and debris, causing inaccurate readings.
* Check the thermostat’s calibration. You can calibrate most thermostats to ensure that they read temperatures correctly.

Air Filters

Your system will be less efficient and overworked if you have a dirty air filter. Changing it depends on a few factors, such as how many people live in your home, whether you have pets, and whether you have allergy sufferers. As a rule of thumb, you should replace it every three months. Change it more often if you live in a dusty area or have a lot of foot traffic in your house.

Electric Coils

Cleaning the coils with a vacuum attachment or brush once a year is recommended. Replace the coils immediately if you notice any damage, such as rusting or discoloration.

Heating Elements

You should inspect the heating elements every few months to make sure they aren’t damaged. You should replace the heating element as soon as you notice cracks or other damage.


Drainage checks are critical before winter. During this time of year, water pipes can freeze and burst. You’ll then have a drainage problem and flooding. To avoid this, check the line for breaks and have them repaired immediately. A broken line might leak water into your yard or basement. Check your water bill or look for wet spots around your house to determine if this is the case.


Keeping your heating and cooling system functioning properly depends on maintaining your HVAC system. You should first contact a professional to conduct a thorough inspection and cleaning of the unit. Afterward, periodically check all the parts to see if they are functioning correctly. You will thank yourself later down the line.


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